



Maxmach MAXMACHVibratory Tamping Rammer with Robin EH12 engine


1.Robin EH12 gasoline engine designed for tamping rammer
2.No need to mix fuel and oil, easy starting, low-noise operation, low maintenance and reduced fuel consumption comparing to
4-stroke engine.
3.Heavy shock mount system to reduce hand-arm vibration and improve comfort
Power: 4kW
Operation Mass (KG): 75
Percussion Rate( Per Min ): 650-680
Impact Force (KN): 14
Jumping Stroke (MM): 40-80
Fuel Tank Capacity: 2.8
Shoe Size (MM): 330*285

Prices can be negotiated. Give us a call on +263773314140. If you have any equipment you're selling please get in touch with us. We can get you buyers. Dismiss